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Apply For The Program

Below is an application packet for Shepherds Fold, Inc. Please complete the forms to the best of your ability. Submitting this application does not reserve any space. Currently, we cannot accept arsonists. Upon receipt, your application will be reviewed accordingly, and a reply will be sent stating your approval or not.

Before signing the Application, be sure you have THOROUGHLY read the Rules and agree to what will be required of you. Please include a copy of your inmate summary and/or time sheet and return to the address listed below.

The aim of Shepherds Fold is to help you (1) find TRUE FREEDOM from the INSIDE OUT and (2) make a successful transition to life after prison. For the past 30 years, our organization has been helping men and women make this journey. We have found that to be successful you need to begin making positive choices in tough situations, be financially responsible and have a strong support group. Our hope is that those accepted will take advantage of all that is offered and hit the ground running.

With best regards,

Jack Hausen
Executive Director

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